During a recent Amazon Live session, Jamie and I had the pleasure of discussing celebrated Indian writer Avadhi Dhruv’s latest book “Inner Genius Outer Guru.” This thoughtful work promises to be a guide for tapping into your own innate sources of creativity, intuition and self-knowledge.
Though Avadhi is renowned for her award-winning poetry collections, “Inner Genius Outer Guru” takes readers on a different kind of inward journey. Drawing from her own experiences and philosophical reflections, Avadhi gently encourages us to go quiet to the external voices and instead attune to the guru or wise guide residing within each of us.
Viewers can email team@avadhi.guru and request their FREE copy of the digital companion workbook (valued at $15) when they purchase a copy of the book – Inner Genius Outer Guru. (Amazon Affiliate Link). Put “FREE workbook” in the subject of the email.
The book is structured around a series of thematic meditations that examine the societal conditioning, doubts and mental obstacles that can obstruct our authentic expression. With Avadhi’s lyrical yet down-to-earth prose, she beckons us back to a state of presence, trust in ourselves, and childlike wonder about the world around us.
“We are born as bundles of genius and curiosity,” Avadhi Dhruv writes. “Somewhere along the way, we learn to douse that inner light and mute our most intuitive selves to conform to others’ expectations and beliefs.”
Throughout the chapters, she shares insights and practices for reclaiming that inner luminosity. Avadhi draws from a rich well of traditions—from Buddhist mindfulness tenets to Hindu spiritual principles to contemporary psychology. Yet her advice always remains highly accessible and attuned to our modern human experience.
Arguably Avadhi’s most profound invitation is to recognize the guru is an indwelling source, not an external authority to which we must defer. “The inner genius may inspire, but it is the outer guru that truly guides and nourishes our souls,” she writes.
During the Live session, Avadhi Dhruv radiated the very qualities of authenticity and self-trust that she explores in the book. Her thoughtful responses to viewer questions reflected someone who has clearly done the internal work to follow her own moral compass and creative callings.
Whether you’re a experienced meditator or new to inner work, “Inner Genius Outer Guru” provides a gentle nudge toward your wisest self. Avadhi Dhruv’s soulful reflections and lived guidance make for an inspiring and enriching read on the journey of self-discovery. You can order the book on Amazon now. **As an Amazon Influencer, I earn on qualified purchases when clicking Amazon links on this page at no extra cost to you.